Quantum leadership

Quantum leadership

Quantum leadership

Quantum leadership is a new management vision that integrates the most effective traditional leadership practices with recent discoveries in quantum physics and neuroscience.

A quantum leader is a person with awareness of being a 'co-creator' of every moment of reality and, as such, is able to co-create and influence it continuously.

This is done through their ideasmental states, beliefs and goals. Their visions direct reality, modelling, shaping and changing it, and can become innovations that create a break with the past.

The discoveries of neuroscience have brought greater knowledge and clarity regarding the processes that regulate neuroplasticity, or the brain's ability to modify its own structure and functioning.
They have highlighted the existence of brain waves in which this phenomenon can be used to reprogram our synaptic connections, with significant effects on our behaviour and surrounding reality.

Some theories of quantum physics have shown that reality changes when it is observed. The observer is able to transform one of infinite potential possibilities into reality through the mental action that is generated in the state of full awareness.

By means of specific meditation practices, mental patterns can be modified in order to achieve set objectives, increase mental presence, enhance creativity and improve the performance of leaders and managers.

Now that we understand a potential starting point for the journey towards a Quantum organization we find ourselves asking the following questions:

  • How fast or slow do we need to move?
  • Who travels with you?
  • What are the obstacles along the way?
  • Is there a wrong path?
  • How do you know when you are there?

Twelve Principles of Quantum Leadership

In her book, "The Quantum Leader", Danah Zohar states that Quantum Leaders possess "Spiritual Capital". There are 12 transformational principles of Spiritual Capital, namely:

  1. Self-Awareness: To know what I believe in, value, and what deeply motivates me. Awareness of my deepest life's purposes.
  2. Spontaneity: To live in and be responsive to the moment and all that it contains.
  3. Being Vision and Value Led: Acting from principles, deep beliefs, and living life accordingly.
  4. Holism (a sense of the system, or of connectivity): Ability to see larger patterns, relationships, connections. A strong sense of belonging.
  5. Compassion: Qualitiy of "feeling-with" and deep empathy. Ground-work for universal sympathy.
  6. Celebration of Diversity: Valuing other people and unfamiliar situations for their differences, not despite them.
  7. Field-Independence: To be able to stand against the crowd and maintain my own convictions.
  8. Tendency to Ask Fundamental Why? Questions: Need to understand things, to get to the bottom of them. Basis for criticizing the given.
  9. Ability to Reframe: Stand back from the problem/situation and look for the bigger picture, the wider context.
  10. Positive Use of Adversity: Ability to own and learn from mistakes, to see problems as opportunities. Resilience.
  11. Humility: Sense of being a player in a large drama, sense of my true place in the world. Basis for self-criticism and critical judgement.
  12. Sense of Vocation: Being "called" to serve something larger than myself. Gratitude toward those who have helped me, and a wish to give something back. Basis for the "servant leader."